Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Paper Petal Praise & Worship

The groomsmen's boutonnieres.

From the beginning she had planned on making them herself, the bride-to-be with the dreams of a lovely and meaningful wedding.  But time was slipping by, and she was getting a little overwhelmed and busy, especially as she had just taken on a new job.  This was something I could do to help, so I offered to make them for her.....seven boutonnieres ....paper flowers made of sheet music. 

Tea-staining paper petals.
She shared with me her ideas, and I set out to please.  I desired to bless this dear young couple who had been so faithful in seeking the LORD in every aspect of their lives.  Truly, I felt it was an honor to be involved in their wedding.  

Making burlap leaves.
I had the sense that the LORD was preparing the way as I gathered my supplies.  Nearly everything that was needed was something I already had!  I had wire, hot glue, floral tape, burlap for the leaves, beads, twine, and even pheasant feathers from my husband's hunting expedition, for embellishing.  When I looked in my old piano bench I found, not just sheet music.....but worship music.  I wondered what my young friend would think about it.  It was not only the musical bars and notes.....but the words of praise and worship too!

One of the groom's boutonnieres.
I set to the task and created a mock-up, feeling very excited about the LORD's provision, and sent a photo to the bride-to-be.  She and her fiance loved it from the start.  They thought the worship music was perfect!  It was then I was told that all the groomsmen and the groom-to-be had been together in a praise band.....how meaningful would this make these boutonnieres to them!  I just love seeing God's hand in the details!

The process of creating these little boutonnieres was detailed and time-consuming.  Petals were cut, tea-stained, curled and glued on one-by-one with hot-glue.  Burlap leaves were glued to wires and backing.  Feathers were attached to wire, as were the loops of twine.  Then, the separate parts were assembled with floral tape and the stem was wound with satin ribbon.  Time-consuming, yes, but my time was consumed in joy and worship, creativity and love.

The mothers' wrist corsages.
I was asked if I would create corsages for the two mothers.  For the base of these I used pretty, pearly, recycled corsage bracelets which I had collected.  I love using recycled materials!  Along with a feather and a pearl, I added sheer white ribbon and a piece of crocheted doily too.  

Paper flowers for the bridal bouquet.

The bride-to-be asked me if I would make some paper flowers for her bridal bouquet.  I knew this would be an extra-special touch for her, since she too had been a lead-worship singer.  I made five more flowers, with feathers, and pearls in gold settings, to add to the bridal bouquet. The pearls reminded me of the parable of "The Parable of the Pearl." 

Alethia's completed bouquet!
The Parable of the Pearl:
“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls.  When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it."  
- Matthew 13:44-46

Like the treasure of the kingdom, this young bride was a precious pearl.....worth everything to her beloved and to her Heavenly Beloved!!

When everything was complete, I breathed a sigh of relief, feeling really good about the way everything had turned out, and then I proceeded to put away all the various supplies.  Next came the phone call that kind of deflated me.....would I be able to make one more boutonniere?  I really struggled for a bit, and wondered aloud if there were any other options, but then I knew.....I must complete the mission I had set out to accomplish.

Paper petals of praise and worship.....hearts for Him! 
As I prepared to create the one last boutonniere, a thought came to mind that gave me fresh vision and a renewed passion for what I was about to do.  I realized that I had the opportunity to make the deserving groom a boutonniere designed especially for him!  A few extra details, would set his boutonniere apart as unique and extra-special.....just like him.

I cut petals with extra thought, making sure they would display words of love and worship, thanks and praise.....reflecting the godly heart of the faithful groom-to-be.  I placed the bronze bead in a decorative gold setting.  I added two feathers.....one to remember the Heavenly Protector and one because this young man would soon be his bride's protector!!  

Thinking of you, Kris.....singing your praise to the LORD!
The feathers I had included in all the flower designs were symbolic of a Bible verse that has been special to me.  It became my blessing as well as my prayer for the LORD's protection over the marriage of this young couple.

"He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart." - Psalm 91:4

Photographing the parts of the process and the finished products was a sweet experience.  The old piano that had once belonged to my great grandma became my favorite staging area.  Ever so meaningful to me, it was the same piano where I found the worship music stored in the bench seat.  The photos, like a journal, remind me of the various ways I sensed the LORD's hand in the details.....

.....blessing me
.....as I sought to be a blessing
.....while creating paper roses.  

 Enjoy Alethia's blog, Streams of Mercy @ alethialov.tumblr.com