Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Hanukkah Nights

Eight little candles
Hanukkah means "dedication." 
all burning so bright,
as we come to the last
of our Hanukkah nights.

We started with one candle.
Then we lit two.
With each night the light
of our Hanukkiah grew.

We ate oil-fried and cheese foods,
all very symbolic.....
latkes and french fries,
even Chinese and cheesecake.

During Hanukkah nights
we recalled brave, godly men
and women whose lives
were dedicated to Him.

They valued the Torah
much more than their lives.
They lived for the Kingdom.
For God's Word they did fight.

So too, may the Light
in our hearts burn with passion,
proclaiming the Living Word
descended from heaven.

For we are His temple.
Yes, we are His lights.
His glory shines out from within 
hearts fully dedicated to Him.

<3 Kim

Let us dedicate our hearts to Him!

Last year, I shared with greater detail some of my Hanukkah experiences 
and the way this new-to-me celebration touched my heart.....in Dedicating my Heart.